User Acceptance Testing

testgrinder service will be discontinued on January 31, 2025

User acceptance testing is an essential step in making Maximo available for production use. Automating user acceptance testing is not a simple task as in order for the test results to be credible, the user community needs to validate and accept the test method as valid. If you write user acceptance tests in a cryptic programming-like language, it will create obstacles to the users acceptance of the validity of such tests. testgrinder solves this problem by allowing you to write test scenarios in an easy to understand language. Take this testgrinder script as an example:

Script: Assets - Actions - Change Status
 Scenario: Assets - Actions - Change Status - Active
  Given I login to Maximo as User
   And 	I go to the Assets / Assets application
   And 	I click the 'New Asset' toolbar button
   And 	I enter 'Test Asset' in the description field of the 'Asset' field
   And 	I successfully save the record
  When 	I select action 'Change Status'
   And 	I select Active in the dropdown list for the 'New Status' field
   And 	I click the OK button
  Then 	I see the value ACTIVE in the Status field
   And 	I logout

The combination of easy to read test scenarios, screenshots taken for every executed step, and a recorded video for the entire interaction, testgrinder makes tests trustworthy and acceptable for the Maximo user community:

Or see the report in testgrinder here:

Last updated