
testgrinder service will be discontinued on January 31, 2025

testgrinder automates Maximo by interacting with it just like a human would - solely through the Maximo UI (user interface) by moving the mouse, clicking buttons, entering field values, etc. - by following the steps in scenarios you provide and reporting the outcome in a run report complete with screenshots and video. It is great for:

Welcome to testgrinder! - A short video showcasing its key features.

Welcome to testgrinder!

You write testgrinder scenarios in steps that sound like natural language, which makes the scenarios easy to follow by anyone familiar with Maximo. As an example, here's a scenario that creates a new Maximo asset and changes its status to ACTIVE:

Scenario: Assets - Actions - Change Status - Active

Given I login to Maximo as User
  And I go to the Assets / Assets application
  And I click the 'New Asset' toolbar button
  And I enter 'Test Asset' in the description field of the Asset field
  And I successfully save the record
 When I select action 'Change Status'
  And I select Active in the dropdown list for the 'New Status' field
  And I click the OK button
 Then I see the value ACTIVE in the Status field
  And I logout

Once you kick off a run, you may watch it execute in real time. As scenarios execute, testgrinder compiles a run report including screenshots for every step as well as a video for each of the scenarios. You may share a run report with others if you choose to do so. Here's the run report for the above scenario:

As testgrinder executes a run, it will employ several tgBots, each running one scenario at a time. This allows scenarios to run in parallel, greatly reducing the total runtime. For example, a run with about 200 scenarios, totaling over 6,000 steps, being executed on 50 tgBots will take about ten minutes to complete. For comparison, if such a task were to be done manually in Maximo, it would require dozens of man-hours.

Last updated