Add an item to storeroom

testgrinder service will be discontinued on January 31, 2025

This snippet will add the current item to the specified storeroom. The snippet assumes that the item is already selected in the Item Master application:

Then I select action 'Add Items To Storeroom'
 And I enter 'CENTRAL' in the 'Storeroom' field
 And I click the OK button
 And I see the 'Add Items to Storeroom' dialog
 And I enter 'BIN-1' in the 'Default Bin' field
 And I enter '0' in the 'Current Balance' field
 And I enter 'EACH' in the 'Issue Unit' field
 And I enter 'EACH' in the 'Order Unit' field
 And I click the OK button
 And I see the flash message 'Items have been added to the storeroom'

Update the field values as needed.

Last updated