Subscribing to testgrinder on AWS Marketplace

testgrinder service will be discontinued on January 31, 2025

testgrinder SMPC was discontinued as of February 1, 2024

To subscribe to testgrinder, visit AWS Marketplace at and search for testgrinder:

You will need to subscribe to both tg-app and tg-bot AMIs. Select testgrinder Application Server (tg-app) with the latest version number by clicking on it. Review the offer and subscribe to it. Repeat for testgrinder Script Runner Server (tg-bot).

Follow these steps to verify that the subscription is successful:

  • navigate to the AWS EC2 Console at

  • make sure the right region is selected

  • choose AMIs page

  • select Public Images in the dropdown

  • search for tg-app-

If you need AMD IDs later, this is where you can find them.

Repeat the same for tg-bot- and make sure you can see tg-bot AMI. Take a note of the tg-bot AMI ID, which you will need to specify later when configuring tg-app settings.

Before you launch a tg-app instance, a few prerequisites need to be completed.

Last updated